Saturday, August 5, 2023

Our Date Days and Other Things

With not a lot of things to do this summer and bowling leagues taking the month off, hubby and I have being doing "date days" where we go and try a new restaurant and/or do other activities.  So far we have found our new favorite Chinese restaurant (Rainbow Kitchen) and our new favorite Greek Restaurant (Meraki), we watched the new Indiana Jones movie (good movie and the audience was pleasant as well--not a single person on their phone during the entire movie!), and we also stopped by the Silverton Aquarium to check out the fish!  

It's been hot, but fortunately temps have dropped down to 105 instead of 115.  Work is great, but it seems like I need to do better to control my spending (now that I have more money I am spending more money on eating out and things which is not good--lifestyle inflation is something I am trying to avoid but I like treating hubby and my friends).  

Totally unrelated, if you like to play Uno, this might be the job for you.  And this is creepy--which face is real?

Finally, I skipped any and all shopping this weekend because school starts in our city on Monday (IMHO way too early...what happened to school starting in September?) as I am pretty sure there are lots and lots of families doing their last bit of back to school shopping so I will just stay out of the fray.

Happy almost end of summer!


  1. Your cooler temps are still very hot! That job sitting outside for four hours for four days, would not be a choice for me. But, I do love to play UNO. Maybe you can pick out one splurge and a savings goal out of your newfound moneyl.

    1. I've never played Uno before but I know many people who enjoy playing the game. I hope your weather cools off soon!
