Tuesday, November 7, 2023

10 More Things

Here are a few more things from this week...

  1. Blogger has been giving me no end of issues with my blog.  I couldn't comment on people's blogs or comment on the comments they left on my blog and I couldn't upload pictures for the longest time.  I finally found a work around for this.  Now I only sign into my blog on the Microsoft Edge web browser (instead of Brave which I think Microsoft and Google don't like) and that seems to work fine.
  2. The little cat in the picture is one we haven't seen in weeks.  There are still three cats coming around to eat and three cats we haven't seen in ages.  I think they have some sort of internal clock since they don't seem at all happy that I am late feeding them in the morning now that we "fell back" an hour this week.
  3. Along with changing our clocks back an hour this past weekend, we also changed the back-up batteries in our smoke detectors, changed our furnace filters, got the air checked in our car tires, changed the oil and air filters in the car, checked the fire extinguishers to make sure they were still charged, and charged up all of the battery packs.  It's just a good reminder to do all of these little semi-annual tasks when we change the clocks each fall and spring.
  4. We picked up some calendars for next year at the 99 Cent store.  I still like to use a big paper calendar to put birthdays and appointments on so hubby can easily see what's happening (he isn't one for electronic calendars).  I was super happy when we got the calendars home and found they were quality calendars with thick paper as so many times when you buy a cheap calendar, you get thin, cheap paper that doesn't work so well for writing on.  This was a pleasant surprise!
  5. I've already started Christmas shopping.  I only buy a few gifts to send to friends in Japan as gift giving is very important there.  My local friend is helping out a family this holiday season since the parents have been unemployed for a while so I will buy gifts for their kids.  Other than that, all of the kids and grandkids get cash for Christmas!
  6. I need to learn to invest.  I am stacking cash from my job and have put money into mutual funds, a few stocks, and a Roth but I am pretty much flying blind here so I have been trying to learn more about investing by watching YouTube videos which cause more confusion than anything because some people say "do this" then others say "never do that" while other doom and gloomers are waiting for a stock market implosion...so now I am even more confused than when I started!
  7. Even though today is Election Day, we have no local or state elections going on now.  I am really NOT looking forward to the start of the presidential election season which promises to be a nightmare of epic proportions!
  8. For some reason, now that I have the money, I don't want to spend it on anything.  I buy small things but as far as going into debt to buy a new house or a new car, it is a big NO WAY for me.  I think I was traumatized by being in debt for so many years that now the idea of payments on anything gives me anxiety.
  9. We have been watching the 'Golden Batchelor' on TV and I told hubby he better live to a 100 because the whole idea of dating, for me, is a big NO.  I can't even fathom dating at my age although we have lots of senior friends who are active on dating apps and have super busy social lives.  eeekkk
  10. While the internet is generally a hot mess of anxiety-inducing news and social media is worse, I have to say that hubby and I "attended" two funerals this weekend via Facebook.  In both cases--one funeral on the east coast and one in the Philippines--it was almost like we were participating because people at these events live-streamed them for all of the family to watch, complete with live chat and everything so maybe social media does have some redeeming qualities. 


  1. What a precious kitty! Hope he/she turns up soon. Looks like one of the strays in my backyard. I'm also glad that most funeral homes where we live now are livestreaming funerals. My mom isn't able to get out some days, and she has been so grateful to be able to "attend" funerals online. And I am with you...the thought of buying another home or another vehicle gives me the chills! The prices are so out of this universe now! I know realistically I may have to have another vehicle in my lifetime if I am blessed to live a while longer, but I am going to drive the wheels off the one I have now before I do! And I also give a big fat NO on ever dating again! LOL!

  2. Suze Orman has a podcast with great information and tips about investing.

  3. I was in my early 50s when I started dating online. It was a good experience since some guys were not even in the running. Then, there were the men who might have been a good date, Some were and were incredibly nice. I dated on guy 6'5" and was going to hire someone to screw on the ball handle to turn on and off the water in the bathroom sink. I could picture me being the handyman. People who knew I dated guys online thought I was sleeping with those guys. NO, not until I met present man in 2006.

    1. Wow that's an online dating story with a happy ending! I'm glad you got a good one!
