Monday, November 6, 2023

10 Things from This Week

In no particular order...

  1. We only had a few trick or treaters this year.  I'm not sure why but many people on message boards for our area made similar comments.
  2. We moved our clocks back an hour on Sunday.  I love waking up around 6:30am and it is already sunny now.  I hate dragging myself out of bed when it is still dark!
  3. On Saturday we plan to hit up some of these Veteran's Day specials, including the free buffet at Southpoint (one of our favorite things to do on military holidays, even if it does take an hour to be seated).
  4. This is the first year that I noticed that all advertising prior to October 31 was for Halloween then on November 1st, Christmas was suddenly everywhere--in advertisements, in stores, on the radio...what happened to Thanksgiving?  It seems like with so much emphasis on Christmas shopping starting now, people will be burned out on shopping by the beginning of December!
  5. I always admire the wonderful, clever things that crafty people like this girl can do.  I wish I had even a modicum of artistic talent!
  6. This was a nice little article on cash-only spending.  While I mostly use a credit card for my spending these days (and, of course, pay it in full every month), I do try to use cash for small things so I carry cash with me at all times just in case.
  7. I am surprised to see that CD (certificate of deposit) rates are up around 5% now.  I haven't seen rates on CDs that high in years!
  8. We have had way too many deaths this year.  Usually we lose a close friend or family member once every few years, this year we have lost four people so far, two on the same day last week!  One was not unexpected (an uncle who had just turned 100 a few months ago) but another, a close cousin, died suddenly from an aneurysm.  If we can hold off on people dying for a few years, that would be great.
  9. My dentist is gone :(  My dentist was awesome and amazing but he recently sold his practice to a corporate dental group because he was pretty overwhelmed with being a solo practice.  He said he would still work for this group for a few years until he retired but when I called to make a cleaning appointment, they said he no longer worked there.  Bummer.  It is hard to find good dentists these days.
  10. It's 85 degrees in Las Vegas today.  I LOVE the desert in the winter!
And a cute cat photo...


  1. Super cute kitty! 🐈‍⬛ So sorry to hear about your uncle and cousin. It really has been a tough year of losses. I also like it being daylight, or just about, when I get up now. Makes it easier to get going. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful week as well!

  2. IN 2001, my best friend died in May after a fire the previous Nov, Sept 11 happened on my birthday, and my little brother died in December. That was a hard year. And, deaths happen more regularly now. Getting old is tough.
    Practical Parsimony

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your brother. And yes, getting old sucks!
