Saturday, April 27, 2024

Quick Update

In kitten news, there are actually two kittens instead of one.  I opened the blinds this morning and saw this little guy waiting with his parents for breakfast.

And here is mom cat with both kittens.  They are soooo cute!

In other news...

  • At this point, I think Princess Kate is dead or in a coma.  Here is a good video on the topic.  This whole situation gives me Shelly Miscavige vibes.  eeekkk
  • I'm not sure if it is common in restaurants now or not but hubby and I went to a restaurant with his cousin last week and not one, but three people were at their tables eating with their cell phones on full volume watching YouTube or something.  Don't they know that earbuds have been invented?  It seems incredibly rude but no one else seemed to be bothered by this but me (everything bothers me these days when it comes to people's behavior in public!).
  • I have to agree with pretty much everything in this reddit thread on the question of 'what has become too expensive'.  tldr; pretty much everything.
  • The weather here is perfect but it is starting to heat up so we had to turn on the AC.  I was hoping we could go a whole month or more without needing heat or AC so we could save on our utility bills but I guess that isn't to be.  Bummer.
  • On a happy note, here are some funny cat pictures and videos.


  1. The Kate video was disturbing!

  2. I'm dying! The kittens are sooooo cute!!

    1. I wish I could turn them into house cats but momma cat isn't having it!

  3. The kitties are super precious! 😍 And yes, I see and hear more and more people out in public with their phones on speaker and it is so annoying to me!

    1. I'm glad it's not just meet that thinks this is awful behavior!

  4. I don't think Kate is dead or in a coma.

    1. I hope not. I hope she shows up hale and healthy soon!
