Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy (Belated) Mother's Day!

I can't believe I forgot to post Happy Mother's Day wishes to everyone yesterday!  I didn't think about it until I was nearly asleep last night so it will have to be belated Mother's Day greetings to you all.  I hope you all had a lovely day.  All five of the kids called to wish me Happy Mother's Day (even though I am their stepmother, they always remember me which is nice--they have always been great kids in large part due to the way that their own mom raised them!).  In other news...

...we did not get any pictures of the aurora borealis because in our area near the city there is too much light pollution, however many people went out to the desert and took many amazing pictures!  The photo above is from a sunset a few days ago so it looks kind of sort of like the purple skies people were seeing near here but not nearly as dramatic. cat news, we did see the kittens again for a couple days last week and then they were gone again.  Sadly, we were driving down the street near our house this morning and we saw a tiny kitten that was dead in the middle of the road, it looked like it had been hit by a car :(  While we didn't stop to investigate, hubby and I both think it was the black kitten I had posed in this blog a couple weeks ago.  Very sad.
...and if you are familiar with reddit and their investing subreddits, the GME folks are at it again.  I will skip the speculative investing (although some people made bank a few years ago when they drove up the stock to astronomical levels) but for people who like to gamble on stocks, this is an, um, interesting opportunity.
...finally, I was at Ross yesterday and I found a $495 Tumi backpack on sale for $225.  Since I save 75% of my income every month and rarely spend the remaining 25% because there really isn't anything we need, I decided to splurge.  I think I will give it to hubby for our upcoming trip and if he doesn't want it, then I will send it to his oldest daughter who loves all things Tumi.  I'm always surprised when I find such high-end items at Ross!


  1. Oh my gosh, that sunset is beautiful! Love that! I wasn't able to see the Northern Lights in my neighborhood, but my best friend has some gorgeous shots of it. She lives out in the country. I'm so sorry to hear about the kitten. Poor little thing! They just don't know about traffic at that age. Thanks for the Kate Middleton subreddit recommendation!

    1. I am totally invested in the Kate Middleton thing at this point--I want proof of life!

  2. I cringed when I read about the kitten. So sorry.
    Tumi is a great brand. I have never been to a Ross. Maybe I need to visit.
    We got sightings of the aurora borealis, but it was cloudy right here where I live.

    1. Wow I've never heard of being able to see the aurora so far south--that's AMAZING!

  3. That was a great score on the Tumi backpack. I have one that I use for travel & I absolutely adore it. (Hawaii Planner).

    1. The price was great but it was too stiff for me (I think the "squishier" Tumi bag will work better for me) so my daughter is absolutely thrilled with it!
