Monday, May 6, 2024

Quick Update

It's been a pretty quiet week around here...

...something was on fire. No idea what it was.

...and our local 99 Cent store is pretty much empty. was a cute photo op.

...I love maps so found this link fascinating. is still going great--I love everything about my job!

...and then there is the cat drama.  We only saw the kittens for a few days then we never saw them again.  Apparently 'kitten season' is a thing so it's possible someone found the kittens and turned them in to the animal shelter.  Or mom cat is keeping them somewhere else.  Too bad, we loved watching them play.  Then we found out that mom cat was in heat again (with all of the cat yowling and every mangy Tom cat in town coming to our place trying to pounce on her and the two male cats that usually hang around here looking like they were on the losing end of cat fights every day we could hardly miss it!).  We really need to trap her and get her fixed but that is easier said than done because she still doesn't get close enough to us for us to just put her in a cage and she likes to hiss at us regularly so I think this may be a difficult thing to do.  I have a call into a local organization that traps and fixes cats but I haven't got a call back from them yet.  Hopefully soon because we really don't need anymore cats around here!

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