Friday, April 20, 2012

A Couple More Goals Checked Off And a Special You Should Know About

Just a quick update to let you know I have crossed a couple more goals off my 30 goals in 30 days list.

I also wanted to let you know that starting tomorrow it is National Parks Week and the great thing about that is that entrance fees will be free to all national parks during the upcoming week. Also due to National Parks Week, these apps will be given away for free too.  Yeah!


  1. Cool cemetery!!! Is that where the photo of the stained glass window was taken? It's beautiful!

  2. Yep the lady said that part of the James Bond movie Diamonds are Forever was filmed there. I guess when he woke up he was in a mausoleum and they showed these stained glass windows (I haven't seen the movie so couldn't confirm it but it's a great story!)
