Thursday, September 28, 2023

10 Things from This Week

In no particular order...

  1. People are playing nice at work this week so that is good.  On a sad note, two people I really enjoy working with (and have known for years) are moving on to other jobs by the end of this week.  I just hate it when amazing people I have developed great working relationships move on.  In fact, my emails to them have sounded like "noooooo don't leave meeeee".  Although I am happy they are moving up to bigger and better things.
  2. I've been so busy that I haven't really been keeping up with many (any?) blogs lately but it looks like there is some disturbance in the blogging universe (see example here).  My response to negative or mean comments on my blog (fortunately few and far between) is to delete them and not respond.  I learned that from Oprah when she was trying to be 'fair and impartial' on her TV show by letting a racist spew his hatred on her show.  I think by the next episode she announced that she had built her platform and if people wanted to be hateful they could build their own platform but no way could they use hers to be evil.  Good call on her part.
  3. I'm actually trying to avoid most media these days since the moment I check the news/social media/reddit/etc. it's like turning on the firehose of despair.  Non-stop awful news that makes me feel worse  instead of better by partaking in it (examples from my local news include: police are looking for a head that the murderer chopped off and threw away, these evil kids killed someone on purpose and videotaped it then posted it on social media, and this guy got mad at his boss when he got fired so he came back shooting).  Big eeekkk
  4. On a weird note, the appeal I filed for my pandemic unemployment three years ago will finally get a hearing next month.  They said I was paid too much and I needed to pay some of the money back so I filed an appeal.  I called and asked why there is a hearing if I got a letter a few months ago that said my overpayment had been paid in full (no idea who/how it was paid as I sure didn't do it).  The lady said she had no idea but just to do the hearing anyway.  Our unemployment office is utterly inept.
  5. This service called Remote Area Medical looks like a great way for people to access some sort of medical care if they can't afford regular doctor visits.
  6. And Costco is now offering online medical visits for $29.  Wow!
  7. The feral cats are fat and fluffy.  And still won't let me pet them.  They certainly eat a lot!
  8. I'm waiting for my new tablet to arrive today.  I was looking for an 8" tablet I could carry with me everywhere with good specs.  The cost for a marginally good Samsung tablet is over $600 so I found this no-name brand tablet on Amazon for $159 and decided to order it.  I will be shocked if it is as good as people say it is at such a cheap price.
  9. On the TV front, I think the blind singing girl from Indonesia should have won America's Got Talent last night (she was truly amazing!) and if they put me on an island with a bunch of touchy feely Gen Zers a la Survivor I would probably mutiny!  On the other hand, we like watching Amazing Race but hubby and I both agree the challenges would be way too physical for us and we would be voted out immediately (faster than immediately if I had to eat a plate of bugs like they did last night). 
  10. Finally, the weather is cooling off a bit here so I am looking forward to being able to turn off the AC for the season soon.
I hope you all will have a wonderful end-of-September weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, things in bloggy land are getting bumpy. Keeping my distance on that one. Yikes!
