Saturday, September 30, 2023

Sober October

October is the quintessential month for people who have an, um, overreliance on alcohol.  For the entire month of October many people, either individually or in groups, swear off alcohol for a month in hopes of kicking the addiction completely.

Since I've never drank, smoked, taken drugs, etc., I have decided that my "Sober October" goal is to kick my overreliance on unhealthy food.  Junk food, diary, meat, processed food...I am going to endeavor to do a Daniel Diet-esque type of eating plan for the entire month.  Along with this goal, I want to make a point to walk every single day in October, make it a low-spend month, participate in as many free activities as we can, and do an exceptional job with my work tasks.

This means I will probably regale you with my activities, on a daily basis, for the entire month, as a way to keep myself accountable and (hopefully) kick my awful overreliance on crappy food for good! 


  1. Oh, I definitely need to get on the walking routine! It's supposed to cool down next week, so I may have to wait until then, but I've got to get moving. When I worked in my aunt and uncle's Christian bookstore years ago, the book The Daniel Fast was very popular! We sold quite a few. I don't know if I have the willpower for it, but I'm cheering you on!

  2. Okay, I am ready to hear what you eat and your exercise.

  3. Good luck with your month & all of your walking!
